I'm Looking For a Money Tree

I apparently chose the wrong profession for my lifestyle. Now, before you start thinking I have some kind of champagne taste...that couldn't be further from the truth. I simply have too darn many thinks breaking and/or growing these days!

First, we had the invasion of the carpenter ants. Those suckers do a ton of damage...we caught them in time...maybe. We did make repairs...ourselves...in the rain...okay, that's a story for another day. I will say I screamed like a girl when I pulled off the window sill and saw an entire nest of ants scurrying around. Disgusting, really.

Then we had the garage door fiasco. Who knew a garage door could split right down the middle. And of course we have the giant door...not the little ones. New ones do not come cheap and no one sells used ones...unfortunately.

I won't even go into detail about the emergency room visit...from H%$^. Let's just say it was a pricey visit. And not one I plan to repeat ever in my lifetime.

DQ decided to hit a growth spurt this summer. I am truly thankful she is growing...and so is she. But she grew two sizes in three months! Nothing she owns fits so she is getting a whole new wardrobe...a few pieces at a time.

So today, my car window goes down...and will not come back up. Okay, is my karma bad? Did I do something really bad and this is payback? Yeah, I know, it's just my darn luck. So the Nissan house is happy to fix my window...which has a bum motor...who knew my window had its' own motor. Of course they have to order parts...and take the door apart...and...and...

So, if you've seen a money tree lately. Send some seeds my way! Thanks.

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Who Am I?

Gender: Female
Location: United States

About Me
I'm a wife, a mom, an educator and a normal (okay, relative term here) person who makes frequent mistakes. I have a lot to say, hence the blog. My kids were adopted as babies (one through an agency and one through the foster care system). I love to talk about adoption. My daughter has sensory issues as well as ADHD. I like to vent about parenting. I am occasionally rosy, usually blunt and sometimes I am simply downright rude. Don't read if it offends you. I may sometimes write about my school experiences so let me cover my bases. I don't live in your town, I don't work at your school, I am not talking about your child, you don't know me. If you think you've figured out who I am...ask me, I will lie and say you don't know me. email me at chocolatecoffeesleep@hotmail.com
