He Found Us!
Facebook has pros and cons and I am not one to spend a ton of time there. But recently I became so thankful for this crazy technological invention. DQ'a birthdad found me...on facebook. We haven't moved since the adoption (12 years ago) and we faithfully send him letters, pictures, etc. via the agency but we have had no contact with him since DQ was about a year old.
I have wondered where he was and how he was. I have prayed for his safety over the years and prayed that he would find peace with his decision. I have prayed that DQ would some day know this man she so resembles. And then suddenly...there he was...on facebook...friending me!
We have since exchanged emails and pictures. He has never married, never had any other children and yet seems to be content with his life and in a good place. He still looks just exactly like DQ. That's the very first thing she said when she saw his picture. He is open to contact with DQ...including texts...okay, I tried to warn him...DQ is a texting fiend!
I sleep better knowing he is okay and that he knows she is okay. I want him to know what a marvelous child he created and she so wants to know him. Funny, I once thought I wanted DQ to only know us as her parents. That lasted until we drove out of the parking lot the day the papers were signed. I knew as we drove away that she would need all of her family and that WE would need all of her family. Now, she has that. What a blessing.
Who Am I?
Gender: Female
Location: United States
About Me
I'm a wife, a mom, an educator and a normal (okay, relative term here) person who makes frequent mistakes. I have a lot to say, hence the blog. My kids were adopted as babies (one through an agency and one through the foster care system). I love to talk about adoption. My daughter has sensory issues as well as ADHD. I like to vent about parenting. I am occasionally rosy, usually blunt and sometimes I am simply downright rude. Don't read if it offends you. I may sometimes write about my school experiences so let me cover my bases. I don't live in your town, I don't work at your school, I am not talking about your child, you don't know me. If you think you've figured out who I am...ask me, I will lie and say you don't know me. email me at chocolatecoffeesleep@hotmail.com
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Facebook really has its uses, doesn't it?
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