I Thought This Was A Free Country!

This came out of my daughter's mouth tonight. Summertime is moving slowly these days and my daughter and I seem to push each other's buttons on a regular basis. I had to sit her down and explain that life in our family is NOT a democracy...it's a dictatorship...and she is NOT in charge.

I'm not sure I'm ready for the teenage years.

3 Leave a comment people!:

Carpool Queen said...

As we say at our house "We don't negotiate with terrorists."

Anonymous said...

As long as you pay your rent and insurance, it CAN be a free country. Just not for free.

Long live parental dictatorships!!

Mary's summer parenting conscience

Me said...

Carpoolqueen, you make me laugh! That is my next comeback...can't wait!

Glad to see you back, Mary. I've missed your multiple-personality comments!

Who Am I?

Gender: Female
Location: United States

About Me
I'm a wife, a mom, an educator and a normal (okay, relative term here) person who makes frequent mistakes. I have a lot to say, hence the blog. My kids were adopted as babies (one through an agency and one through the foster care system). I love to talk about adoption. My daughter has sensory issues as well as ADHD. I like to vent about parenting. I am occasionally rosy, usually blunt and sometimes I am simply downright rude. Don't read if it offends you. I may sometimes write about my school experiences so let me cover my bases. I don't live in your town, I don't work at your school, I am not talking about your child, you don't know me. If you think you've figured out who I am...ask me, I will lie and say you don't know me. email me at chocolatecoffeesleep@hotmail.com
