Gadget Sunday...Obviously I Am Not Among The Rich And Famous

I am considering buying a new cell phone soon since my contract is up. I want an iphone. I don't really need one, but I want one. I've been doing a little online research to make sure I get the phone I want. I found this website.

Who knew the rich and famous had their own line of cellphones to choose from. Thousands of dollars for a cell phone? Really? Gotta say I have some issues with this.

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Who Am I?

Gender: Female
Location: United States

About Me
I'm a wife, a mom, an educator and a normal (okay, relative term here) person who makes frequent mistakes. I have a lot to say, hence the blog. My kids were adopted as babies (one through an agency and one through the foster care system). I love to talk about adoption. My daughter has sensory issues as well as ADHD. I like to vent about parenting. I am occasionally rosy, usually blunt and sometimes I am simply downright rude. Don't read if it offends you. I may sometimes write about my school experiences so let me cover my bases. I don't live in your town, I don't work at your school, I am not talking about your child, you don't know me. If you think you've figured out who I am...ask me, I will lie and say you don't know me. email me at
